Welcome to
Haven Evangelical
Lutheran Church
Our Mission
To honor God, to reach out with love to our members & the community,
and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Who are we?
Haven Lutheran Church is a community of Christian disciples. We are seeking to learn and live out the good news of God’s saving love as most fully revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We gather weekly to worship our Lord and be fed by God’s Word, Holy Communion, and the fellowship of believers so that we can grow in faith and enact God’s grace in our everyday lives and in service to our neighbors.
What does this mean?
We love the Lord as revealed in the Bible and Jesus, who remains present and active in our lives and world. We have so much to learn about living in God’s grace and loving as Jesus loves us.
We gather together weekly to offer God our praise, encourage one another in our walk of faith, and let God teach, fill, and send us out to be God’s presence in the world through what we say and do.
Following Jesus’ example, we care about one another, our neighbor, the stranger, and you. All are welcome to worship and participate in the other activities at Haven Lutheran Church. Please come as you are with curiosities or questions, joys or hurts.
There will always be a place for you at Haven.
Here are the events coming up on the Haven campus! You can find our full calendar on the Calendar page.
Christian Education
Sunday School
Haven has an adult Sunday School class at 11:00 am Sunday mornings after service.
Youth Sunday School classes are held the 2nd Sunday of every month at 11:00 am. We offer a class for toddlers & school-age kids, as well as a class for older middle & high school young adults.
Adult Education
Weekday Bible Study class is offered at 10:00 am on Wednesday mornings throughout the school year.
There is also a Women’s Bible Study class offered on the fourth Thursday of every month at 11:00 am.
Tucked away just off Route 11 on the north side of Hagerstown, Haven's campus & worship space is a distinctive part of the neighborhood.